The salt marsh-tidal creeks occur along much of the coast of South Carolina where the twice daily tides flood and ebb through the low lying areas just inland from the Atlantic ocean. This complex web of small creeks weaves through the expansive marsh flats acting as a filter and runoff for coastal waters as well as a buffer for adjacent uplands from the wind and waves. Consisting of nearly half a million acres in South Carolina, the marsh and tidal creeks are unique ecosystem providing a nursery and habitat for many plants, birds, crabs, snails, shrimp and fish.
Redfish, trout and flounder spend much, if not all, of their lives inhabiting this estuary. Redfish can be targeted near structure- oyster banks, docks or anything that will provide cover and attract bait fish. Depending on the tide, redfish can also be found on the flooded marsh flats in inches of water foraging for crabs and shrimp. Their cousin, the speckled trout, patrols the same structure but is more of an ambush feeder seeking out currents and eddies in the creeks and larger bodies of water. Flounder, ambush feeders as well, prefer a soft bottom as they lie in wait for their prey.
Marsh Maven Fishing Charters is excited to explore and share this amazing environment with you. Not only is it fascinating and beautiful but also provides some of the very best inshore, backcountry fishing an angler could imagine.